The Boston Whaler Classic 13 foot skiff is perhaps the most popular 13 foot boats every manufactured. It is seaworthy, can carry a huge load and is unsinkable.
Finding a used Boston Whaler Classic 13 footer is fairly easy if you look in the right places. We have compiled some links to the best sites for finding 13 foot Boston Whalers below.
Craigslist – this is by far the quickest way to find a Whaler. You have two choices. You can either find a Boston Whaler 13 already listed or you can post a WANTED ad. I found mine in one day doing the latter. To search craigslist simple go to and choose your city or a city near you. Then type Boston Whaler into the search box and hit enter. You can also go to and search all of craigslist at one time plus some other sites.
Yacht World – this is a great site that has boats for sale all over the world. Just go to and use the search function. You would want to type in Boston Whaler 13 to keep from getting too many results that included the other sizes. You can then modify the search by price, country and region.
Boat Trader Online – this is a good place to find a variety of boats including classic Boston Whalers. You can search using different criteria and can also limit the results to those near you.
Boats Dot Com – this site is similar to the boat trader site. I normally type in boston whaler as the model and then under keywords type in 13 or 13 foot. There are normally a few of the 13 footers on the site.
Continuous Wave Website – this is a website dedicated to the Boston Whaler. There is also a discussion board built in where people sell their boats or discuss the boat. Use the site search function and type in “Boston Whaler 13 for sale” or something similar.
American Classifieds – this is an established classifieds site that also puts out the Thrifty Nickel. Searching is easy either by keyword or section.
More Information about the Boston Whaler Classic 13 footer
A 9.9 horsepower engine is the absolute minimum that you would need. With a hydrofoil installed on the motor and not too much weight in the boat it should get you onto a plane. A 15 horsepower or above is best. A 15 horse will get you up to about 20 mph and a 20 horsepower outboard will push you to about 25 mph. The largest engine that you could safely run would be a 40 horsepower. The largest outboard that can be run is a 50. Also, if you were to run an engine this large you would want the newer model with the higher transom. Anything over a 50 hp is in my opinion unsafe and too much for the boat. You should refer to the manufacturers recommendations before powering the boat.